How to Prepare Nasal Sprays for Drug Use Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 13, 2021nasal, spray, aerosol, administration, snort, calculator, math, mg, milligram, gram, ml, milliliter, discrete, stealthly, overdose, water, soluble, english, route, video, batch2
Cómo Preparar un Aerosol Nasal para el Uso de Drogas: Una Guia de Reduccion de Danos por NEXT Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, spanish, nasal, spray, aerosol, vía, administración, esnifar, calculadora, matemática, mg, miligramo, gramo, ml, mililitro, discreto, esteático, sobredosis, agua, soluble, matematica, esteatico, via, ruta, batch2
How to Prepare Nasal Sprays for Drug Use Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, english, nasal, spray, aerosol, route, administration, snort, calculator, mg, math, miligram, gram, ml, milliliter, discrete, stealthly, overdose, water, soluble, batch2
Cooking Down Crack for Injection Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, english, crack, cocaine, coke, cook, acid, base, batch2
Cocinando el Crack Para Inyectar Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, spanish, espanol, crack, coca, cocinero, base, cocaina, acido, cocaína, ácido, español, batch2
Administración Rectal: también conocida como intra rectal, supositorio, enema, tapón, y booty bumping Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021spanish, text, rectal, bulto, botín, tapón, boof, vía, administración, supositorio, enema, intra, botin, tapon, via, administracion, espanol, español, batch2
Rectal Administration: aka Booty Bumping, Boofing, or Plugging Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021english, text, rectal, booty, bumping, bump, plug, boof, route, administration, batch2
Cuidado de Heridas y Abscesos para las Personas que Usan Drogas Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, spanish, seguro, inyectar, vena, absceso, heridas, cuidado, inyeccion, celulitis, endocarditis, sepsis, arterias, infeccion, fiebre, botulismo, enfermedad, complicasion, infección, espanol, español, batch2
Transición entre vías de administración: de esnifar a inyectarse, a comer, a fumar, a intrarectal Drug Specific, Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, spanish, espanol, esnifar, comer, boof, rectal, tapón, administración, vía, transición, inyectar, IM, IV, músculo, musculación, lado, tapon, administracion, via, transicion, ruta, musculo, batch2
Transitioning Routes of Administration: from snorting to injecting to eating to smoking to booty bumping Drug Specific, Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, english, snort, eat, boof, plug, rectal, administration, route, transition, inject, im, iv, muscle, muscling, side, featured safer injection, batch2
Guia para “Hot Rails” or Inhalar Vapor por la Nariz Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021hot, rail, text, espanol, inhalar, vapor, nariz, via, rutoa, administracion, administración, batch2
Hot Rails Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, english, hot, rail, route, administration, smoke, smoking, snort, batch2
Cómo Identificar los Signos de las Pastillas Falsas o Falsificadas Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, spanish, falso, falsificación, prescripción, fent, metanfetamina, clonazolam, rc, investigación, fentanilo, carfentanilo, falsificacion, investigacion, drogas de investigacion, drogas de investigación, batch2
How to Identify the Signs of Fake or Counterfeit pills Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, english, fake, counterfeit, prescription, fent, meth, clonazolam, rc, research, batch2
Empezando con la Inyección Segura Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, spanish, espanol, seguro, inyección, encontrar la vena, estéril, encontrar, vena, sacar, dibujar, sangre, IV, torniquete, antecubital, cephalic, cefálica, basílica, cúbica, aguja, jeringa, cuidado posterior, salud del usuario de drogas, salud del uso de drogas, mapa de venas, arteria, nervio, mano, músculo, muñeca, dedo, diagrama, inyeccion, esteril, cubica, cafalica, muneca, batch2
Getting Started with Safe Injection Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 10, 2021text, english, safer, injection, sterile, find vein, finding, vein, draw, drawing, blood, IV, tourniquet, antecubital, cephalic, basilic, cubical, needle, syringe, aftercare, drug user health, drug use health, map, artery, arteries, nerve, muscle, hand, wrist, finder, diagram, shooting, shoot, up, batch2
Adjusting the Length of a Syringe Tip Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 9, 2021text, english, syringe, tip, length, batch2
Safer Consumption tips for New Users Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 21, 2021safer, injecting, using, shoot, shooting, up, IV, IM, clean, sterile, prepare, hit, filter, alcohol, ascorbic, acid, rig, tie, tourniquet, vein, new, unused, sharing, testing, narcan, tips, newbies, beginner, noob, instagram, batch2
Substance Use + Heat Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 21, 2021IV, IM, shooting uo, finding vein, vein, needle, syringe, aftercare, mainlining, missed shot, shot, nerves, infections, dirty, hit, safer, injecting, snorting, smoking, use, drugs, heat, weather, dangerous, temperature, prevention, safety, risk, overheating, health, instagram, batch2
Harm Reduction for Larger Bodies Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 21, 2021IV, IM, shooting up, finding vein, vein, needle, needle syringe, aftercare, collapse, DVT, deep vein thrombosis, sepsis, hepatitis C, blood, circulation, artery, arteries, citric acid, vitamin, vitamin C, arms, legs, groin, cookers, skin popping, spoon, filter, mainlining, missed shot, shot, nerves, infections, bacteria, tracks, tracking, muscling, abscess, abscesses, vein collapse, emboli, HIV, hepatitis, HCV, wound botulism, necrotizing fasciitis, tetanus, endocarditis, blood poisoning, dirty, dirty hits, hit, safer, injecting, larger bodies, fat, instagram, batch2